Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 2, 2022

Hoa sen trắng đám tang - Món quà tặng thầm lặng giàu ý nghĩa

Hoa sen trắng là món quà tặng quý giá mang ý nghĩa sâu sắc trong các đền thờ cúng lễ phật, được sử dụng rộng rãi như để cắm hoa trang trí và trong tang lễ. Nếu ví hoa sen trắng có vẻ đẹp thuần khiết thì hương thơm lan tỏa nhẹ nhàng lại được ví như sự trang trọng trong buổi lễ có hoa chia buồn. Hôm nay Hoa Tươi 360 sẽ đồng hành cùng bạn tìm hiểu ý nghĩa hoa sen trắng đám tang trong bài viết dưới này nhé.

Ý nghĩa hoa sen trắng trong đám tang

"Trong đầm gì đẹp bằng sen
Lá xanh bông trắng lại chen nhụy vàng
                        Nhụy vàng, bông trắng, lá xanh                          
Gần bùn mà chẳng hôi tanh mùi bùn"

Từ xa xưa, ông cha ta đã có bài ca dao quen thuộc miêu tả hình ảnh hoa sen đại diện cho tâm hồn người Việt Nam. Qua đó, ảnh hoa sen trắng đám tang được ví như một bông hoa thơm ngát, dù qua thế giới bên kia nhưng luôn giữ cho mình nét riêng trong trắng, thanh cao nguyên vẹn. Hơn nữa, hoa sen trắng cũng mang hàm ý của sự đức hạnh, bình dị và thanh cao trong tâm hồn của người đã khuất. Bên cạnh đó, nó còn tượng trưng cho ý chí kiên cường, mạnh mẽ muốn nhắn nhủ người ở lại bớt đau buồn, vượt qua đau thương.

Sự trong trắng cùng hương thơm dịu dàng của hoa sen trắng tang lễ làm buổi lễ bớt đau thương

Sự trong trắng cùng hương thơm dịu dàng của hoa sen trắng tang lễ làm buổi lễ bớt đau thương

Chính vì vậy, hoa sen hay hình ảnh hoa sen trắng đám tang trong tang lễ của người Việt Nam có ý nghĩa vô cùng cao quý. Thể hiện sự tưởng nhớ về người đã khuất, trân trọng những phẩm hạnh cao đẹp, đồng thời chia buồn cùng gia quyến với sự mất mát người thân.

Hoa sen trắng đám tang mang nhiều ý nghĩa sâu sắc

Hoa sen trắng đám tang mang nhiều ý nghĩa sâu sắc

Hình ảnh hoa sen trắng đám tang làm không khí tang lễ u buồn sẽ trở nên trang trọng hơn. Từ đó, buổi tiễn đưa người ra đi về nơi an nghỉ cuối cùng đầy tôn nghiêm và kính trọng. Chia buồn hoa sen trắng đám tang còn thể hiện khi con người chết đi, rời xa cõi trần cũng là lúc họ bỏ qua hỷ, nộ, ái, ố đời thường để đạt đến giác ngộ, an lạc trong tâm hồn. 

Chia buồn hoa sen trắng đám tang

Chia buồn hoa sen trắng đám tang

Do đó, nếu bạn muốn bày tỏ sự mến mộ và kính trọng đến người mất, hãy chọn viếng hoa sen trắng. Màu hoa sen trắng đám tang mang hàm ý dù người đã ra đi nhưng sự cao quý và thanh bạch của người vẫn còn mãi.

>>> Xem thêm: HOA CHIA BUỒN - Thành kính phân ưu

Vì sao nên chia buồn hoa sen trắng đám tang?

Có thể thấy, màu hoa sen trắng đám tang là yếu tố quan trọng được lựa chọn làm hoa chia buồn cho tang lễ. Vì lẽ, màu trắng luôn là màu chủ đạo trong đám tang, khi màu trắng của hoa sen được kết hợp với các sắc trắng của áo tang tạo sự hài hòa làm không khí lễ tang trở nên trang nghiêm và trang trọng hơn.

Bó hoa sen trắng đám tang mang màu sắc nhẹ nhàng

Bó hoa sen trắng đám tang mang màu sắc nhẹ nhàng

Màu trắng cũng là màu của sự tinh khiết, sống một đời ngẩn cao đầu "gần bùn mà chẳng hôi tanh mùi bùn". Đồng thời, màu trắng còn đại diện cho sự bắt đầu. Hình ảnh hoa sen trắng buồn thể hiện người đã mất đi ở kiếp này sẽ có một khởi đầu mới ở kiếp sau an lạc và hạnh phúc hơn. 

Hoa sen trắng tang lễ rất được ưa chuộng

Hoa sen trắng tang lễ rất được ưa chuộng

Hình ảnh hoa sen trắng đám tang nổi bật

Bó hoa sen trắng đám tang

Hiện nay, bó hoa sen trắng đám tang chưa thực sự phổ biến trong tang lễ ở nước ta nhưng chúng vẫn được số ít lựa chọn bởi sự thanh cao, nhẹ nhàng. Chia buồn hoa sen trắng đám tang bằng một bó hoa thường hay sử dụng khi đi viếng mộ, hoặc tang lễ của bạn bè không may gặp chuyện đáng buồn.

Đi viếng tang bạn bè bằng bó hoa sen trắng ngát hương

Đi viếng tang bạn bè bằng bó hoa sen trắng ngát hương

Bạn yêu thích sự đơn giản nên mua các bó hoa sen trắng đám tang nhỏ gọn nhưng toát lên vẻ đẹp trang trọng. Mức giá của bó hoa này chỉ dao động khoảng vài trăm nghìn hoặc trên dưới 1 triệu đồng. Món quà thành kính phân ưu dành tặng người đã khuất không thể hiện ở giá trị tiền bạc mà đó là những tình cảm, sự tri ân sâu sắc từ bạn.

Hình ảnh hoa sen trắng đám tang thể hiện tình cảm, sự tri ân sâu sắc

Hình ảnh hoa sen trắng đám tang thể hiện tình cảm, sự tri ân sâu sắc

Lẵng hoa sen trắng tang lễ

Ngoài lẵng hoa chia buồn sử dụng hoa cúc trắng, hồng trắng, huệ, lan hồ điệp trắng thì lẵng hoa sen trắng tang lễ đang rất được ưa chuộng. Tùy theo nghi thức lễ long trọng của đám tang, khách hàng có thể yêu cầu thiết kế bố cục một tầng hoặc hai tầng. Lẵng hoa sen trắng tang lễ sẽ được sắp xếp hài hòa hợp lý và cân đối phù hợp với không khí đau thương đồng thời gửi gắm sự kính trọng của người tặng dành cho người đã khuất.

Trang trọng hơn với lẵng hoa sen trắng trang lễ

Trang trọng hơn với lẵng hoa sen trắng trang lễ

Nếu đi viếng tang lễ một mình, bạn nên chọn bó hoa sen trắng đám tang gợi ý ở trên. Còn nếu là cả tập thể lớp, hoặc công ty, tổ chức, cá nhân đại diện nên ưu tiên chọn lẵng hoa sen trắng tang lễ trang trọng này.

Hình ảnh hoa sen trắng nền đen

Hình nền hoa sen trắng đám tang đang được quan tâm khi có chuyện đau buồn xảy ra. Chỉ cần sử dụng hình ảnh hoa sen trắng buồn đăng lên trang cá nhân, mặc nhiên thông báo cho mọi người biết gia đình đang có tang. Do đó, hoa sen trắng nền đen đám tang xuất hiện nhiều trên mạng xã hội chỉ khi nhà có tang hoặc có chuyện không may.

Avatar hoa sen trắng đám tang được sử dụng nhiều nhất hiện nay

Avatar hoa sen trắng đám tang được sử dụng nhiều nhất hiện nay

Với tâm trạng u buồn, muốn được sẻ chia và giãi bày tâm sự, thay vì đăng những status buồn thì nhiều người thường thay avatar hoa sen trắng đám tang như thay lời thông báo đến bạn bè, đồng nghiệp biết rằng nhà mình có người thân mới mất. Dưới đây là một số hình nền hoa sen trắng đám tang được lựa chọn nhiều nhất hiện nay.

Hoa sen trắng đại diện cho vẻ đẹp của sự tôn nghiêm, trang trọng

Hoa sen trắng đại diện cho vẻ đẹp của sự tôn nghiêm, trang trọng

Lựa chọn hoa sen trắng đám tang tại Hoa tươi 360

Thông qua ý nghĩa hoa sen trắng đám tang nêu trên, bạn hoàn toàn có thể chọn bó hoa sen trắng đám tang hoặc lẵng hoa sen trắng tang lễ thể hiện tình cảm của người ra đi cũng như chia buồn với người thân ở lại. Tại shop Hoa tươi 360 có rất nhiều loại hoa và kiểu dáng bạn không nên bỏ qua, bao gồm cả vòng hoa đám tang sen trắng. Với sự đa dạng như thế, chắc chắn bạn sẽ tìm được lẵng hoa phù hợp.

Hoa sen trắng tang lễ thể hiện tình cảm của người ra đi cũng như chia buồn với người thân ở lại

Hoa sen trắng tang lễ thể hiện tình cảm của người ra đi cũng như chia buồn với người thân ở lại

Ngoài đáp ứng vòng hoa, lẵng hoa cho tang lễ, Hoatuoi360 còn là địa chỉ cung cấp đa dạng các mẫu bánh kem sinh nhậtbánh kem tân gia hoặc combo hoa và bánh. Nếu có nhu cầu đặt bánh kem hoặc hoa cho các dịp lễ, đừng ngần ngại liên hệ ngay cho chúng tôi nhé.

CÔNG TY CP XNK HOA TƯƠI 360 - Dịch vụ cung cấp hoa tươi 63 tỉnh thành

Địa chỉ: 413 Lê Văn Sỹ, P.2, Q.Tân Bình, TPHCM (Gần ngã tư Phạm Văn Hai - Lê Văn Sỹ)

Hotlines: 0936652727 - 0977 301 303




Convince Your Boss to Send You to MozCon Virtual 2022 [Plus Bonus Letter Template!]

MozCon is back in person for 2022! From networking with your peers to hearing from industry leaders, there are benefits a-plenty to attending conferences. You know that. Your peers know that. But how do you persuade the powers-that-be (aka your boss) that sending you is beneficial for your business?

Don’t worry, we’ve got a plan. (And if you want to skip ahead to the letter template, here it is!)

Copy the template

How to make the case

Business competition is fiercer than ever. Only those who are able to shift tactics with the changing tides of marketing will be able to come out on top. And that’s exactly what MozCon is going to help you do.

Covering everything a growing marketer needs for a well-balanced marketing diet (SEO, content, strategy, growth), MozCon delivers top-notch talks from hand-selected speakers over three insightful days in July.

There's so much in store for you this year. Here’s just a sampling of what you can expect at this year’s MozCon:

Speakers and content

Our speakers are real practitioners and industry leaders. We work with them to ensure they deliver the best content and insights to the stage to set you up for a year of success. No sales pitches or talking heads here!


You work hard taking notes, learning new insights, and digesting all of that knowledge — that’s why we think you deserve a little fun in the evenings. It's your chance to decompress with fellow attendees and make new friends in the industry. We host exciting evening networking events that add to the value you'll get from your day of education. Plus, our Birds of a Feather lunch tables allow you to connect with like-minded peers who share similar interests.

High-quality videos to share with your team

About a month or so after the conference, we’ll send you a link to professionally edited videos of every presentation at the conference. Your colleagues won’t get to partake in the real-time experience(the #FOMO is real), but they will get a chance to learn everything you did, for free.

Great food on site

We know that conference food isn’t typically worth mentioning, but MozCon is notorious for its cornucopia of tasty offerings.

You can expect two hot meals a day and loads of snacks from local Seattle vendors — in the past we’ve featured a smorgasbord from the likes of Trophy cupcakes, KuKuRuZa popcorn, Starbucks’ Seattle Reserve cold brew.


No duds here, we do our homework when it comes to selecting thoughtful swag worthy of keeping. One-of-a-kind Roger Mozbots, a super-soft t-shirt, and more cool stuff you’ll want to take home and show off.

Wear your heart on your sleeve

MozCon on behalf of our attendees gives back each year through donating a portion from every ticket sold towards a charitable organization. Our 2022 charitable recipients are Washington Trails Associationand North Cascades Institute.

Discounts for current customers

Moz Pro, Moz Local, and STAT customers save big on their ticket cost, and there are discounts for groups of 10+ as well, so make sure to take advantage of savings where you can!


But of course, don’t take our word for it! There are some incredible resources available at your fingertips that tout the benefits of attending conferences:

"I've been to MozCon six times — it's worth traveling all the way from Adelaide, Australia. The knowledge sharing is next level!" — Woj Kwasi, Head Honcho, Kwasi
"MozCon is hands-down among the best organized tech-oriented conferences I’ve ever attended. From the strongly inclusive culture with rich representation of all stripes of life, to the friendly vibe around the lunch tables and after-session parties, you would be hard pressed to find a more informative and beneficial SEO conference in the US. — Eddie Childs, Inbound Marketing Manager, Mediagistic
"MozCon has been my go-to conference for the past three years. Between the top-notch speaker lineup, fantastic accommodations and memorable parties and networking events, it's truly a must-attend event for any digital marketing professional looking to further their career in the industry." — Kyle Sutton, Sr. Product Manager, SEO Gannett / USA TODAY NETWORK
"MozCon is more than a "work conference" - it really is an annual collaboration with the brightest and most talented SEOs from all over the world. Three full days of idea sharing, insights, and quality time with industry experts. Never have I ever been to a conference where the speakers on stage are humble and easily accessible. 5/5 would attend again." — Angela O'Pry, Marketing Coordinator at Access Sciences

Need a little more to get your boss on board? Check out some videos from years past to get a taste for the caliber of our speakers.

Buy ticket, save money, get competitive marketing insights. Everyone wins!

MozCon is one unforgettable experience that lives and grows with you beyond just the three days you spend in Seattle. And there's no time like the present to pitch MozCon to your boss. If they're still stuck on the "why", let them know about our subscriber or group pricing tiers to your boss — you’ll save hundreds of dollars when you do. Just think of all the Keurigs you could get for that communal kitchen!

Be sure to grab the letter template and make your case the easy way.

Thứ Tư, 23 tháng 2, 2022

Sneak Peek: The Initial MozCon 2022 Speaker Lineup

Have you been waiting on the edge of your seat for MozCon to start rolling out the lineup of speakers? Well, my friend, today’s the day so hold on tight!

We’re thrilled to announce the first 15 extraordinary speakers that will be taking the MozCon 2022 stage in Seattle this July (in alphabetical order).

Meet the speakers

Amalia Fowler (she/her)

Founder, Good AF Consulting

Amalia is the Founder of Good AF Consulting, a Vancouver, BC consulting firm where she helps companies build great marketing teams. She's also a marketing instructor at the British Columbia Institute of Technology and creator of The Wholehearted Manager, a newsletter for people who believe in leading with their heart, and that all employees deserve a safe space to work. Amalia has been in search marketing for eight years, with her work focused on helping businesses understand marketing strategy, mentoring new marketers, building exceptional marketing teams and advocating for more ethical and transparent practices in our space. Her favorite saying is "It Depends," because context is everything.

Amanda Milligan (she/her)

Head of Marketing, Stacker
@millanda | @stacker

Amanda Milligan is the Head of Marketing at Stacker Studio. With a degree in journalism and a decade in content marketing, she’s spent her career helping brands harness the intersection of content and SEO.

Andy Crestodina (he/him)

Co-founder / CMO, Orbit Media Studios
@crestodina | @orbiteers

Andy Crestodina is the co-founder and CMO of Orbit Media, an award-winning 50-person digital agency in Chicago. Over the past 20 years, Andy has provided digital marketing advice to over 1,000 businesses.

Areej AbuAli (she/her)

Head of SEO, Papier (
@areej_abuali | @TechSEOWomen

Areej is Head of SEO at Papier where she focuses on all things technical and on-site SEO. She is the founder of the global Women in Tech SEO community and has been in the digital marketing industry for over eight years.

Crystal Carter (she/her)

Head of SEO Comms, Wix

Crystal Carter is an SEO and digital marketer with over 15 years experience working with clients like Disney, Tomy, Kikkoman, and more. She shares insights in leading publications like Google Webmaster Central, The Moz Blog, Search Engine Land, and Women in Tech SEO.

Hannah Smith (she/her)

Founder, Worderist

With more than 15 years in the SEO industry, Hannah's creative work has won multiple awards, and she's worked with a range of companies including the BBC, Dyson, Expedia, MailChimp, and Salesforce.

Jackie Chu (she/her)

SEO Lead, Intelligence, Uber

Jackie Chu is currently the SEO Lead, Intelligence for Uber, driving analytics and tooling for the SEO teams globally. She has deep experience in technical SEO, content SEO, ASO and international SEO spanning both B2B and B2C industries.

Joe Hall (he/him)

SEO Consultant & Principal Analyst, Hall Analysis

Joe Hall is an executive SEO consultant focused on analyzing and informing the digital marketing strategies of select clients through in-depth data analysis and SEO audits.

Lidia Infante (she/her)

Senior SEO Manager, BigCommerce (
@LidiaInfanteM | @bigcommerce

Born and raised in Barcelona, Lidia has been working in SEO for over eight years. She's been helping businesses in e-commerce, media and B2B reach their audiences on search across European markets, the US and Australia. She has leveraged her BSc in Psychology and Master's in Digital Business to drive organic growth for e-commerce sites, media, and SaaS.

Lily Ray (she/her)

Senior Director, SEO & Head of Organic Research, Amsive Digital
@lilyraynyc | @amsive_digital

Lily Ray is the Sr. Director, SEO & Head of Organic Research at Amsive Digital, where she provides strategic leadership for the agency’s SEO client programs. Lily began her SEO career in 2010 in a fast-paced start-up environment and moved quickly into the agency world, where she helped grow and establish an award-winning SEO department that delivered high impact work for a fast-growing list of notable clients, including Fortune 500 companies.

Noah Learner (he/him)

Product Director, Two Octobers
@noahlearner | @twooctobers

Noah is a technical marketer, nicknamed the Kraken, who is happiest building SEO tools, automations, data pipelines and communities. When not in the lab, he loves skiing, fly fishing, camping with his family, and walking his dog, Shadow.

Paddy Moogan (he/him)

Co-Founder, Aira
@paddymoogan | @airadigital

Paddy is co-founder of Aira, a digital marketing agency based in the UK and delivering work across SEO, paid media, content marketing, and digital PR. He has been working in SEO since around 2004 when he got bored studying for his law degree.

Dr. Pete Meyers (he/him)

Marketing Scientist, Moz
@dr_pete | @moz

Dr. Pete is Marketing Scientist for Moz, where he works with the marketing and data science teams on product research and data-driven content.

Tom Capper (he/him)

Senior Search Scientist, Moz
@thcapper | @moz

Tom heads up the Search Science team at Moz, providing research and insight for Moz's next generation of tools. Previously, he led the London consulting team for SEO agency Distilled, and worked as a chef in a roadside grill.

Wil Reynolds (he/him)

Founder & Vice President of Innovation, Seer Interactive
@wilreynolds | @SeerInteractive

Wil has been leading the charge to leverage “Big Data” to break down silos between SEO, PPC, and traditional marketing — pulling together data from various sources to see the big picture.

Stay tuned for more MozCon updates!

And we’re just getting warmed up! We’ve got lots more incredible speakers to reveal in the coming weeks including our community speaker lineup, but don’t wait to snap your ticket as early bird savings are only available for a limited time and once they’re gone, they’re gone for good.

Thứ Hai, 21 tháng 2, 2022

The Professional’s Guide to SEO: Link Building Sneak Preview

We’re developing a brand-new SEO guide for you — The Professional’s Guide to SEO, designed as your next-step resource once you’re comfortable with the baseline provided by the Beginner’s Guide to SEO.

When we think of link building, one of the first people we think of is our friend Paddy Moogan at Aira, the architect of the Beginner’s Guide to Link Building, MozCon alumni speaker, and industry thought leader. That’s why we’re jazzed to announce that the link building chapter of our upcoming Professional’s Guide to SEO is authored by none other than the fine folks at Aira. And today we’re sharing an excerpt of that very chapter.

Dive in for a glimpse at our newest guide, and as always, give us a shout on Twitter if you have any thoughts or recommendations — we love hearing from you!

Link Building & Link Earning Tactics

Measuring link building

In this section, we explore approaches to measuring links and understanding which ones may make the biggest difference to traffic and rankings, along with business outcomes such as revenue.

Once your link building strategy is set and you’re underway, you need to measure your work so that you can understand the effectiveness of what you’re doing and demonstrate its value. There are a few ways that you can measure link building, which we’ll cover below, along with the pros and cons of each one.

Volume of links

You can use various tools (such as Link Explorer) to measure the volume of links to a domain and then measure this number over time. You can also manually measure the links that you build via your own outreach and record these over time.

The advantage of this measure is that it’s very easy to do and is usually a direct consequence of the work that you are doing. For example, if you engage in a tactic such as broken link building, you can see exactly how many links you were able to build as a result of that work. This will allow you to understand which activities are most worthwhile and effective at generating volumes of links.

There is a downside to this form of measurement. Not all links are created equal, and the raw volume of links isn’t very useful without important context such as the authority and relevance of those links.

One high-quality, authoritative, relevant link could do more for your site than a hundred low-quality links. If you only measure link volume on its own, then the hundred low-quality links may be seen as successful and effective.

Volume of links can be a useful metric as long as you layer it with other context, which we’ll talk about below.

Quality of links

“Quality” is generally quite subjective, but when it comes to link building, there are some good ways to understand and measure the quality of a link. The two core ways are:

  1. Relevance of a link

  2. Authority of a link

Let’s talk about relevance first.

Link relevance

Relevance isn’t binary. You can’t just look at a link and say off the bat whether it’s relevant or not. For example, imagine you get a link to your website from another in the same industry and which contains content similar to yours. It sounds relevant at the surface, but what if the link is pointing at a piece of content you’ve created that’s on a completely different topic — is that still a relevant link?

What if you somehow get a link from NASA to your coffee beans website? Space exploration isn’t exactly relevant to the grinders and beans that you sell, is it?!

Situations like these make relevance pretty difficult to measure, especially at scale. But it’s possible to do by using your own experience, instincts, and by asking a few basic questions when looking at a link:

  • If the link is on another website, how likely is it that a potential customer for your products would see that link?

  • If the link is to a piece of content that you’ve created, would that content resonate with your ideal customer?

  • If someone at your company who has zero knowledge of SEO and link building saw the link, would they be happy with it?

Questions like these can help you judge whether a link is relevant to your business or not. Despite it not being the most objective measure and hard to scale, factoring relevance into your link building measurement at some point is vital. This is because the more relevant links are, the more likely they are to put you in front of potential customers and to generate real traffic.

Link authority

When it comes to authority, there are many third-party scoring methods that aim to replicate Google PageRank. Domain Authority and Page Authority are proprietary metrics created by Moz. They can give you an approximate idea of how much value a particular link has. It’s not foolproof, and no third-party metric can truly replicate Google PageRank, but they can be good enough to give you a rough idea of how much authority a link has.

Using third-party metrics is a good thing, but you should always keep in mind that these metrics are not used by Google themselves. This means that they’re naturally limited in their usefulness and, similar to link volume, they shouldn’t be used without context.

Rankings and organic search traffic

Ideally, the link building that you carry out should have a positive effect on your organic search rankings and as a consequence, your traffic as well. As we learned earlier, there are many signals that Google uses to determine organic search rankings, but building the right kinds of links is a strong one and should help you rank better.

However, it can be hard to measure the direct effect of the links you build on organic search rankings and traffic. It’s not as simple as being able to say “we built 10 links and our traffic went up by 20%.” Despite understanding some of the signals, none of us knows exactly how the Google algorithm works and even if we did, every website and industry is different.

Building ten links for a brand-new coffee bean website is likely to have a bigger impact than building 10 links for an established website that sells car insurance.

This makes our lives harder as SEOs, but not impossible. It’s also easier if you’re able to control or at least have some influence over other important areas of SEO, such as technical SEO or content.

The main thing that many of us can do, regardless of how much control we have, is to measure organic search rankings and traffic objectively over time and look for consistent improvement. Check your rankings with tools such as Moz Pro or Google Search Console and use Google Analytics to check traffic.

Referral traffic

Another way to measure the effectiveness of link building is to look at how much traffic is sent via the links that you’ve built.

It’s easy to get caught up in measurement of rankings and organic traffic and forget that you can generate traffic directly from links, too. This happens when someone sees your link and then clicks on it, resulting in a visit to your website.

Now, not every link that you build will send traffic — and that’s okay. However, one aspect of your approach should include building links that do indeed lead to referral traffic. They may come as a result of launching a great piece of content or building a new, innovative product feature that gets picked up by industry experts.

Setting expectations is important here because, as mentioned, not every link will send lots of traffic. For example, if you get a link on a page because of a great resource that you’ve created, but your link is amongst hundreds of other links on the external website, the chances of someone clicking on yours is significantly reduced.

With that said, it’s a fantastic metric to use and pretty simple if you utilize analytics tools such as Google Analytics.

Want more news about the Professional’s Guide to SEO? Don’t miss any of our future sneak peeks — make sure you’re signed up for Moz Blog email updates!

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Thứ Sáu, 18 tháng 2, 2022

Core Web Vitals: What Next?

The promised page experience updates from Google that caused such a stir last year are far from being done, so Tom takes a look at where we are now and what happens next for the algorithm’s infamous Core Web Vitals.

whiteboard with Core Web Vitals diagrams

Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high resolution version in a new tab!

Video Transcription

Happy Friday, Moz fans, and welcome to another Whiteboard Friday. This week's video is about Core Web Vitals. Before you immediately pull that or pause the video, press Back, something like that, no, we haven't got stuck in time. This isn't a video from 2020. This is looking forwards. I'm not going to cover what the basic metrics are or how they work, that kind of thing in this video. There is a very good Whiteboard Friday about a year ago from Cyrus about all of those things, which hopefully will be linked below. What this video is going to be looking at is where we are now and what happens next, because the page experience updates from Google are very much not done. They are still coming. This is still ongoing. This is probably going to get more important over time, not less, even though the hype has kind of subsided a little bit.

Historical context

So, firstly, I want to look at some of the historical context in terms of how we got where we are. So I've got this timeline on this side of the board. You can see in May 2020, which is nearly two years ago now, Google first announced this. This is an extraordinary long time really in SEO and Google update terms. But they announced it, and then we had these two delays and it felt like it was taking forever. I think there are some important implications here because my theory is that — I've written about this before and again, hopefully, that will also be linked  below — but my theory is that the reason for the delays was that too few pages would have been getting a boost if they had rolled out when they originally intended to, partly because too few sites had actually improved their performance and partly because Google is getting data from Chrome, the Chrome user experience or CrUX data. It's from real users using Chrome.

For lots of pages for a long time, including now really, they didn't really have a good enough sample size to draw conclusions. The coverage is not incredible. So because of that, initially when they had even less data, they were in an even worse position to roll out something. They don't want to make a change to their algorithm that rewards a small number of pages disproportionately, because that would just distort their results. It will make their results worse for users, which is not what they're aiming for with their own metrics.

So because of these delays, we were sort of held up until June last year. But what I've just explained, this system of only having enough sample size for more heavily visited pages, this is important for webmasters, not just Google. We'll come back to it later when we talk about what's going to happen next I think, but this is why whenever we display Core Web Vitals data in Moz Pro and whenever we talk about it publicly, we encourage you to look at your highest traffic or most important pages or your highest ranking pages, that kind of thing, rather than just looking at your slowest pages or something like that. You need to prioritize and triage. So we encourage you to sort by traffic and look at that alongside performance or something like that.

So anyway, June 2021, we did start having this rollout, and it was all rolled out within two or three months. But it wasn't quite what we expected or what we were told to expect. 

What happened after the rollout? 

In the initial FAQ and the initial documentation from from Google, they talked about sites getting a boost if they passed a certain threshold for all three of the new metrics they were introducing. Although they kind of started to become more ambiguous about that over time, that definitely isn't what happened with the rollout.

So we track this with MozCast data. So between the start and the end of when Google said they were rolling it out, we looked at the pages ranking top 20 in MozCast that had passes for zero, one, two, or three of the metrics against the thresholds that Google published. 

Hand drawing of average ranking across sites that passed between 0 and all 3 core web vital metrics.

Now one thing that's worth noticing about this chart, before you even look at it anymore closely, is that all of these lines trend downwards, and that's because of what I was talking about with the sample sizes increasing, with Google getting data on more pages over time. So as they got more pages, they started incorporating more low traffic or in other words low ranking pages into the CrUX data, and that meant that the average rank of a page that has CrUX data will go down, because when we first started looking at this, even though this is top 20 rankings for competitive keywords, only about 30% of them even had CrUX data in the first place when we first looked at this. It's gone up a lot since then. So it now includes more low ranking pages. So that's why there's this sort of general downwards shift.

So the thing to notice here is the pages passing all three thresholds, these are the ones that Google said were going to get a big boost, and these went down by 0.2, which is about the same as the pages that were passing one or two thresholds. So I'm going to go out on a limb and say that that was just the general fit caused by incorporating more pages into CrUX data. 

The really noticeable thing was the pages that passed zero. The pages that passed zero thresholds, they went down by 1.1. They went down by 1.1 positions. So instead of it being pass all three and get a boost, it's more like pass zero and get a penalty. Or you could rephrase that positively and say the exact same thing, as pass one and get a boost relative to these ones that are falling off the cliff and dropping over one ranking position.

So there was a big impact it seems from the rollout, but not necessarily the one that we were told to expect, which is interesting. I suspect that's because Google perhaps was more confident about the data on the sites performing very badly than about the data on the sites performing very well.

What happens next? 

Desktop rollout

Now, in terms of what happens next, I think this is relevant because in February and March, probably as you're watching this video, Google have said they're going to be rolling out this same expect page experience update on desktop. So we assume it will work the same way. So what you've seen here on a smartphone only, this will be replicated on desktop at the start of this year. So you'll probably see something very similar with very poorly performing sites. If you're already watching this video, you probably have little or no time to get this fixed or they'll see a ranking drop, which if maybe that's one of your competitors, that could be good news.

But I don't think it will stop there. There are two other things I expect to happen. 

Increased impact

So one is you might remember with HTTPS updates and particularly with Mobilegeddon, we expected this really big seismic change. But what actually happened was when the update rolled out, it was very toned down. Not much noticeable shifted. But then, over time, Google sort of quietly turned up the wick. These days, we would all expect a very mobile-unfriendly site to perform very poorly in search, even though the initial impact of that algorithm update was very minor. I think something similar will happen here. The slower sites will feel a bigger and bigger penalty gradually building. I don't mean like a manual penalty, but a bigger disadvantage gradually building over time, until in a few years' time we would all intuitively understand that a site that doesn't pass three thresholds or something is going to perform horribly.

New metrics

The last change I'm expecting to see, which Google hinted about initially, is new metrics. So they initially said that they would probably update this annually. You can already see on that Google is talking about a couple of new metrics. Those are smoothness and responsiveness. So smoothness is to do with the sort of frames per second of animations on the page. So when you're scrolling up and down the page, is it more like a slideshow or a sort of fluid video? Then responsiveness is how quickly the page interacts or responds to your interactions. So we already have one of the current metrics is first input delay, but, as it says in the name, that's only the first input. So I'm expecting this to care more about things that happen further into your browsing experience on that page.

So these are things I think you have to think about going forwards through 2022 and beyond for Core Web Vitals. I think the main lesson to take away is you don't want to over-focus on the three metrics we have now, because if you just leave your page that's currently having a terrible user experience but somehow sort of wiggling its way through these three metrics, that's only going to punish you in the long run. It will be like the old-school link builders that are just constantly getting penalized as they find their way around every new update rather than finding a more sustainable technique. I think you have to do the same. You have to aim for a genuinely good user experience or this isn't going to work out for you.

Anyway, that's all for today. Hope the rest of your Friday is enjoyable. See you next time.

Video transcription by

Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 2, 2022

Understanding the Google Ads Auction & Why Ad Rank Is Important

There are 3.5 billion searches on Google every day, and 84% of people use Google at least three times per day to search for information.

When there is a search query on Google, Google Ads runs a quick auction to determine which ads will show for that search query, and what the ad positions should be. This ad auction is repeated every time an ad is eligible to appear for a search term out of the billions searched each day.

To determine if an ad is eligible to be shown in the Google search results, and what the position of the ad will be, Google uses a value called Ad Rank. If an ad does not meet the Ad Rank thresholds, it will not be shown. Ad Rank also determines the CPC (cost per click) that the advertiser pays for a click on their ad.

In this post, I cover the main factors that are used by Google to determine the Ad Rank of an ad during the auction, and what those factors mean for your ad strategy.

Understanding the Google Ads auction

How the Google Ads auction works

When a user makes a search query, Google Ads runs a split-second auction of all the ads whose keywords are relevant to it. This will determine which ads are eligible to be shown, their ad position relative to competing ads, and the CPC that the advertiser will pay for a click on their ad.

When setting up Google Ads pay per click (PPC) marketing campaigns, advertisers identify which keywords they want to bid on and set their max CPC bid. The advertiser also sets up ad groups with keywords and creates related ads.

When there is a search query, the Google Ads auction begins. Here is the auction process according to Google:

  • For every search query, Google Ads finds all the ads whose keywords are relevant to the search terms.

  • The system ignores ads that are not eligible for that location and any disapproved ads.

  • The remaining ads will be evaluated based on their Ad Rank. The Ad Rank is based on the max CPC bid, ad quality, Ad Rank thresholds, search context and the ad extensions and formats used.

The eligible ads that won the auction are shown on the SERP based on their Ad Rank.

The layout of the Google search results page changes constantly. Currently, Google shows three ads above the organic search results and three ads below the search results on each search page. Depending on the popularity of the search term, and the number of qualified ads, ads may be shown on multiple search pages for the search term.

Here is an example of a search for “eye doctors Dallas” that shows three eligible Google Ads above the organic search results:

Figure 1: Ads shown above organic search results for a search query
Figure 1: Ads shown above organic search results for a search query

What is Ad Rank?

The ad with the highest Ad Rank will be shown in the top position of the search results page for a relevant search term. This is followed by the ad with the second highest Ad Rank and so on. Ads that do not meet the Ad Rank eligibility requirements will not be shown on Google.

Ad Rank calculation

Ad Rank = Max CPC Bid x Quality Score plus additional factors like the impact of ad extensions and ad formats, Ad Rank thresholds, search context, and competitiveness of auction.

Thus, spending more does not necessarily guarantee you the best Ad Rank. Here is an example of basic Ad Rank calculations for four advertisers competing for ad positions in the Google Search Results:

Figure 2: Calculating Ad Rank
Figure 2: Calculating Ad Rank

As seen in the example, Advertiser 1 had a lower max CPC bid than the other three advertisers, but was able to qualify for the top ad position because their quality score was high. Advertiser 4, in contrast, had the highest max CPC bid but the lowest quality score, and ended up in the lowest ad position.

Why should you care about your Ad Rank?

Google sets minimum Ad Rank thresholds that will determine if an ad is shown at all on Google.

In the example in Figure 2 above, there are four advertisers competing for an auction with Ad Ranks of 24, 20, 12, 8. If the minimum Ad Rank to show above the organic search results is 20, only Advertisers 1 and 2 will show above the search results. If the minimum Ad Rank to show below the search results is 10, only advertiser 3 will show below the search results. Advertiser 4 will not meet the minimum Ad Rank thresholds, and their ads will not be shown on Google at all.

Advertisers compete to have their ad shown in the top-most position on the SERP since that leads to a higher clickthrough rate (CTR) and results in more leads. Ad CTR changes considerably depending on your ad position.

The average CTR across all ads on Google Ads is 3.17% in search. But that CTR ranges considerably depending on industry and position, with a “good” CTR for position 1 being 6% or higher.

Even those minor differences in percentage can equate to thousands of clicks more for higher-ranked ads.

With that in mind, let’s dig into the two main factors determining your Ad Rank a bit more.

What is CPC?

Cost per click (CPC) is the price you pay per click on your ads in your pay-per-click (PPC) marketing campaigns.

When you set up a Google Ads PPC campaign, you set the max CPC bid for the keywords in your account. The max CPC bid can be set up at the keyword level or at the ad group level:

  • The maximum CPC is the maximum amount that you’re willing to pay for a click on your ads.

  • The actual CPC is the final amount you’re charged for a click on your ad. Your Actual CPC is determined at the time of the auction and may be less than the max CPC amount.

  • The average CPC is the average amount you’re charged for a click on your ads.

While CPC costs can vary depending on your industry, the average CPC in Google Ads is $2.69 for search and $0.63 for display.

CPC pricing is also called PPC or pay-per-click. Hence, Google Ads is called PPC or pay-per-click advertising.

How Ad Rank affects actual CPC

Ad Rank also affects the actual CPC you pay for a click on your ads.

Google Ads uses a second-price auction system. The actual CPC you pay is calculated at the time of auction based on your Quality Score and the Ad Rank of the advertiser below you, plus $0.01. Because the auction is dynamic, the actual CPC can vary with each auction.

Google does not disclose the details of how they calculate the Average CPC for Google Ads. According to Search Engine Land, the Actual CPC you pay for a click on your ad is determined at the time of the auction by the following formula:

Actual CPC = (Ad rank of Advertiser below/Your Quality score) + $0.01

Figure 3: Calculating Actual CPC values at each ad position
Figure 3: Calculating Actual CPC values at each ad position

What is Quality Score?

The Quality Score is a diagnostic tool that is used to estimate the overall quality of your ad compared to other advertisers.

Ads and landing pages that are considered more relevant and useful to the search query get a higher Quality Score. This helps to ensure that more useful ads are shown at a higher position on the SERP.

Quality Score is measured on a scale of 1-10, and is available for every keyword. It is based on historical impressions for exact searches of your keyword.

Three factors that determine Quality Score

Quality Score is calculated based on the performance of three main factors:

Expected CTR

The expected CTR is a prediction of the ad clickthrough rate when the ad is shown on Google. Expected CTR projections are based on user CTR, which helps to decide which ads will perform best when shown for a search query.

CTR is the number of clicks your ad receives divided by the number of times your ad is shown: CTR=clicks/impressions.

Landing page experience

The landing page experience measures how relevant and useful your website landing page is to the person who clicked on the ad.

Ad Relevance

Ad relevance measures how well your ad matches the user’s search intent. It ensures that only the most useful ads are shown for every search query, and prevents ads that are unrelated to the product or service from being shown for a search query.

Each of the three Quality Score factors is given a rating of “Above Average”, “Average” or “Below Average”.

In addition to the three factors above, Google considers additional factors during the real-time auction such as the type of device used, location of the user, time of day, impact of ad extensions, and more.

How to check your Quality Score in Google Ads

Google Ads provides four Quality Score status columns at the keyword level to check Quality Score:

  • Quality score

  • Landing page experience

  • Expected CTR

  • Ad relevance

To check your Quality Score in your Google Ads account:

1. Log in to your Google Ads account

2. Click on “Keywords” in the left menu

3. Click on the “Columns” icon in the upper right corner of the table

4. Click on “Modify columns for keywords” and scroll to the Quality Score section. Add the following components to your table metrics (see Figure 4):

  • Quality score

  • Landing page experience

  • Expected CTR

  • Ad relevance

Figure 4: Modify columns for keywords to add Quality Score columns
Figure 4: Modify columns for keywords to add Quality Score columns

5. Click Apply

6. Once these columns are added, scroll to the right on each keyword in the table to check the Quality Score and its components (see Figure 5).

Figure 5: Quality Score status columns in the keywords table
Figure 5: Quality Score status columns in the keywords table

7. If there is a “-“ in the Quality score column, it means that there are not enough searches that exactly match your keywords to determine the Quality Score for that keyword.

For information on improving your Quality Score, read these tips from Google.


The Google Ads auction is a real-time auction that is triggered with every search on Google to determine which ads will be shown for that search term, and in what position. The Ad Rank and Quality Score of the ads are important factors in the ad auction and help to determine whether an ad is eligible to be shown on Google. By improving the individual components of Ad Rank and Quality Score, you can improve the eligibility and rank of your ads.

Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 2, 2022

Mẫu bánh sinh nhật rau câu HOT - ngon chuẩn vị nhất thế giới

Bánh sinh nhật rau câu flan với hương liệu tự nhiên, đảm bảo mát lạnh và khẩu vị đạt chuẩn nhất. Không nên bỏ lỡ mẫu bánh rau câu đẹp được trang trí tỉ mỉ, không cầu kì khi lựa chọn tặng quà sinh nhật hay tổ chức tiệc ăn mừng, tiệc sự kiện. Ghé ngay Banhkem360 để được tư vấn chọn ngay mẫu bánh sinh nhật rau câu phù hợp tặng bạn bè, đồng nghiệp, gia đình nha!

Mẫu bánh rau câu sinh nhật thiết kế 3D ấn tượng

Điều làm bánh sinh nhật rau câu khác những chiếc bánh kem truyền thống bởi chính hương vị độc đáo dịu nhẹ, mềm mại mà mát lạnh của lớp rau câu dai giòn bao bọc phía bên ngoài chiếc bánh kem rau câu, thu hút thực khách bởi sự mới lạ khiến ai cũng tò mò hương vị bên trong chiếc bánh sinh nhật rau câu flan.

Tạo hình 3D cho bánh kem rau câu ấn tượng, tuyệt vời

Tạo hình 3D cho bánh kem rau câu ấn tượng, tuyệt vời

Bánh sinh nhật rau câu 3D đẹp đến mức không dám ăn

Bánh sinh nhật rau câu 3D đẹp đến mức không dám ăn

Dù đối tượng bạn muốn tặng là ai, bánh sinh nhật rau câu này đều phù hợp làm quà cho đối tượng dù nam hay nữ, già trẻ, khai trương hay sinh nhật công ty đều thích hợp, bởi thợ bánh chuyên nghiệp có thể thiết kế bất cứ họa tiết hay nét vẽ nào lên bánh kem rau câu tùy ý tưởng sáng tạo, cách bày trí tinh tế, chắc hẳn chiếc bánh rau câu sinh nhật mới lạ này sẽ là món quà vô giá, chứa đựng những tấm chân tình của người tặng đến cho người nhận.

Mẫu bánh sinh nhật rau câu đẹp cho người chơi hệ

Mẫu bánh sinh nhật rau câu đẹp cho người chơi hệ "30 tuổi"

Chiếc bánh sinh nhật rau câu trái cây 3D huyền ảo

Chiếc bánh sinh nhật rau câu trái cây 3D huyền ảo

Nếu bạn không thích lớp kem béo ngậy của những loại bánh kem bình thường thì hãy thử đặt những chiếc bánh rau câu sinh nhật 3d này xem, liệu nó có làm bạn thích thú hơn không nhé.


Mẫu bánh sinh nhật rau câu trái cây đẹp mắt

Hương vị tự nhiên từ trái cây kết hợp với lớp rau câu giòn, dai

Hương vị tự nhiên từ trái cây kết hợp với lớp rau câu giòn, dai

Bạn có thể lựa chọn mẫu bánh sinh nhật rau câu trái cây đẹp mắt và ngọt ngào để làm quà tặng sinh nhật người thân, bạn bè. Những loại trái cây tươi mát lạnh kết hợp cùng lớp dai dai giòn giòn của thạch rau câu, tạo nên một hương vị mới lạ của bánh kem rau câu, vừa ngon miêng vừa độc đáo dành tặng đến người thân nhân dịp sinh nhật.

Mẫu bánh sinh nhật rau câu đẹp dành cho tín đồ

Mẫu bánh sinh nhật rau câu đẹp dành cho tín đồ "thanh mát"

Bánh sinh nhật rau câu full trái cây ấn tượng

Bánh sinh nhật rau câu full trái cây ấn tượng

Mẫu bánh sinh nhật rau câu cho bé dễ thương

Chọn bánh sinh nhật rau câu cho bé cũng không hề khó khăn. Chỉ cần bố mẹ, người thân nếu có nhu cầu muốn đặt mua bánh kem rau câu mừng sinh nhật bé, chỉ cần chú ý bé thường hâm mộ nhân vật hoạt hình, con vật nào, ví dụ như những chiếc xe với con đường nối đuôi nhau chạy dành cho bé trai, hay say đắm với công chúa, nàng tiên cá, búp bê đẹp hợp mẫu bánh sinh nhật rau câu cho bé gái, sẽ dễ dàng được các nghệ nhân làm bánh nhà Bánh Kem 360 thiết kế lên chiếc bánh rau câu sinh nhật, góp phần làm bữa tiệc sinh nhật của các bé thêm phần tươi vui đến gia đình.

Bánh sinh nhật rau câu ngon, đẹp và ngộ nghĩnh cho bé

Bánh sinh nhật rau câu ngon, đẹp và ngộ nghĩnh cho bé

Mẫu bánh sinh nhật rau câu cho bé gái

Mẫu bánh sinh nhật rau câu đẹp cho bé tại Bánh Kem 360

Mẫu bánh sinh nhật rau câu cho bé trai dễ thương

Mẫu bánh sinh nhật rau câu cho bé trai dễ thương

Mẫu bánh sinh nhật rau câu flan cheese cầu kì

Bánh flan tuy là mẫu bánh kem quốc dân nhưng ăn nhiều sẽ cho ta cảm giác bị ngấy do vị ngọt béo. Chính vì thế, nhiều sự kết hợp độc đáo trong nền ẩm thực nước nhà đã ra đời để đáp ứng nhiều nhu cầu của người mua. Hiện nay đã có thêm sự kết hợp thú vị khi kết hợp lớp bánh flan ngon với lớp rau câu dai giòn mát lạnh. Bánh sinh nhật rau câu flan cheese là sự lựa chọn tuyệt vời tặng bạn bè, người thân trong những dịp sinh nhật đáng nhớ hay chỉ đơn giản, bạn tự thưởng cho bản thân vào dịp sinh nhật cũng đã là sự chọn lựa không thể hoàn hảo hơn.

Bánh kem rau câu flan cheese tặng mẹ yêu

Bánh kem rau câu flan cheese tặng mẹ yêu

Mẫu bánh sinh nhật rau câu flan cheese đẹp

Mẫu bánh sinh nhật rau câu flan cheese đẹp

Bánh sinh nhật rau câu flan sở dĩ được tin tưởng lựa chọn nhiều vì bánh làm từ hương liệu tự nhiên, không sử dụng chất phụ gia, phẩm màu độc hại, đảm bảo vệ sinh mà khâu trang trí lại tỉ mỉ, cầu kì, đảm bảo độ mát lạnh tươi ngon của bánh sinh nhật rau câu flan cheese mới lạ cho khách hàng thưởng thức.

Bánh kem rau câu flan cheese tặng ông mừng sinh nhật

Bánh kem rau câu flan cheese tặng ông mừng sinh nhật

Làm bánh sinh nhật rau câu ngon tại nhà có khó không?

Không cần đâu xa ở tiệm, bạn có thể tự trải nghiệm làm bánh sinh nhật rau câu ở nhà siêu tiện lợi tặng sinh nhật người thân, bằng những nguyên liệu mang nhiều hàm lượng dinh dưỡng đa dạng, lành tính được nấu theo cách thủ công dưới đây:

Nguyên liệu làm bánh kem rau câu tại nhà

Trình tự cách làm bánh sinh nhật rau câu đơn giản được chia làm 2 phần:

Phần 1: Thực hiện phần nhân bánh flan bên trong

- Hòa tan cà phê đen nguyên chất với 10ml nước ấm nóng

- Đun sữa tươi không đường cho ấm hoặc để quay vào lò vi sóng cho nóng sữa. Để sữa ấm tránh đun sữa sôi lên sẽ khiến protein và chất béo có trong sữa bị kết tủa, làm mất chất dinh dưỡng.

Chuẩn bị nguyên liệu làm bánh sinh nhật rau câu

Chuẩn bị nguyên liệu làm bánh sinh nhật rau câu

- Tiến hành sử dụng whipping cream, sữa đặc, chiết hương vani và cà phê đã hòa tan ở trên cho vào chung một hỗn hợp, sau đó quậy đều cho hòa quyện vào nhau.

- Sử dụng một bát lớn khác, tác lòng đỏ trứng ròi cho 1 phần hỗn hợp vừa quậy ở trên vào để đánh bông lên. Tiếp đó cho phần hỗn hợp còn lại khuấy đều và sử dụng ray để hỗn hợp được mịn.

- Hấp hỗn hợp trên ở lửa nhỏ trong vòng 20 phút. Vậy là đã xong phần nhân bánh plan.

Phần 2: Làm phần rau câu bánh sinh nhật

- Hòa tan nước nguội với 10gr bột rau câu. Bạn nên sử dụng loại bột rau câu giòn với nước lạnh, còn nếu sử dụng bột rau câu dẻo thì nên sử dụng nước nóng hòa tan.

- Cho nước cốt dừa, đường kính vào khuấy, bật lửa nhỏ trên bếp đến khi sôi nhẹ. Sau đó cho sữa tươi không đường vào khuấy đến khi hỗn hợp sôi thì tắt bếp.

- Chờ hỗn hợp nguội bớt rồi đổ vào khuôn, chỉ đổ một lớp mỏng và tránh đừng để rau câu đông quá mới đổ thêm một lớp khác lên, nếu để vậy lớp bánh sẽ không dính được vào nhau. Đợi phần rau câu đông lại thì cho nhân bánh lên mặt rồi đổ hỗn hợp rau câu còn lại vào.

- Sau khi lớp bánh sinh nhật rau câu đã hoàn thành. Bạn có thể trang trí trái cây tươi theo ý thích, sử dụng kem để viết những câu chúc mừng sinh nhật lên bánh kem rau câu.

Liên hệ địa chỉ có mẫu bánh sinh nhật rau câu đẹp

Tiệm bánh kem 360 đa dạng mẫu mã bánh kem hot trend hiện nay. Nổi bật trong số đó phải kể đến bánh sinh nhật rau câu mới lạ đang được nhiều thực khách ưa chuộng đặt làm quà sinh nhật vào những tháng đầu năm 2022. Bánh kem 360 được ưu ái là địa điểm bánh kem thường lưu tới với những chiếc bánh kem rau câu độc đáo, mới mẻ, có thể làm theo yêu cầu, đảm bảo là địa chỉ có bán mẫu bánh sinh nhật rau câu đẹp đáng để cân nhắc tại TPHCM hiện nay.

Ngoài sứ mệnh đem đến những chiếc mẫu bánh sinh nhật bằng rau câu chuẩn vị đến khách hàng, chúng tôi còn có thêm dịch vụ hoa tươi tặng kèm, giúp quý khách hàng mang đến những món quà ý nghĩa nhất tặng người thân, bạn bè hay đồng nghiệp, chúc họ có một ngày sinh nhật trọn vẹn nhất.

Liên hệ với chúng tôi để được tư vấn, chọn lựa và có những chính sách giao hàng nhanh nhất qua:


Địa chỉ: 413 Lê Văn Sỹ, P2, Q Tân Bình, TPHCM

Điện thoại: (028) 22 298 398 – 0966 341 493



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